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Photo competition

Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll



In reference to the general theme of the City Street4 Conference (CS4), the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll“ Street Photography Competition invites entries to document a street with one photograph and its caption depicting the variety of mobility modes that can be found on the streets of contemporary cities - a shot that captures the urban street occupants and their ongoing mobility habits. The author should aim to capture a scene where more than one (2 and up) mobility modes are present – showing the interwovenness of the mobility modes in everyday life of city streets. The more street occupants and their mobility modes, the better the Rock’n’Roll!



Form and Language
Each submitted photograph must be uploaded through the conference web-portal and accompanied by a caption in English of the maximum length of 50 words, along with other data required in the submission form.
The competition “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” is open to all. The submitted photographs with captions must have a clear link to the main theme of the Competition.
The Top 15 photos with captions will be published at the CS4 web-page in the post conference period. The authors of the top 3 photos will win the prizes, the first prize being a tablet computer.
The jury’s decisions will be final and irrevocable. The City Street4 Conference (CS4) competition organizers reserve the right to replace or add a jury member at any time. Photographs with captions submitted to the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” street photography competition will be assessed according to their engagement with the competition theme, their creativity, aesthetic impact, narration and technical excellence.
Members of the jury:
    •  Urban Modic, architect, freelance photographer, Lucimaster Ltd, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    •  assist. dr. Gašper Mrak, architect, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    •  Blaž Zupančič, professional photographer, Atelje Mi ka do, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Types of Submissions
Various formats are accepted among others panoramic, diptych, triptych, and square.
Photographs that have been digitally manipulated beyond acceptable optimization procedures will be disqualified. Applicants can adjust colors, contrast, brightness, and sharpness. Dust and scratches can be removed. Crop and B&W can be used as well.
Failure to comply with any of the above guidelines will result in the applicant's disqualification from the competition.
Originality and Copyright
  • The author of the photograph guarantees that s/he is the sole owner of the photograph that s/he submits.
  • The author of the photograph guarantees that s/he is the sole owner of the photograph that s/he submits.
  • The author of the photograph guarantees that s/he has the right to make the photograph available to the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll “photography competition.
  • The author of the photograph guarantees that the photograph does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person's rights of privacy or publicity.
  • The organizers of the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography competition and the City Street4 Conference deny all responsibilities in case of legal pursuits relative to any photograph that depicts people who did not consent to appear in the photograph, or if they contain elements whose owner did not consent that they can be represented alongside or in relation to these elements.
  • The organizers of the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography competition and the City Street4 Conference commit themselves not to sell any photograph(s) without previously contacting the author in order to reach an agreement with her/him.
  • The author accepts that her/his photograph can be used by the City Street4 Conference for press releases.
  • The author accepts that her/his photograph can be used by the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography competition and the City Street4 Conference on their websites.
  • The organizers of the “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography completion and the City Street4 Conference reserve the right to choose the photograph for exhibitions taking place in 2020. They also reserve the right to select the format and the venue of these exhibitions.
Important Dates
Competition registration 8 January 2019 to 30 September 2020
Photographs submission 8 January 2020 to 30 September 2020, 11.00 pm GMT+0 (Ljubljana Local Time)
Notification of the Top 15 pre-selection October 2020
Final Jury and Announcement of Top 3 October 2020
Claims and Final Dispositions
  • Participation in “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography competition implies that the candidate fully agrees to all conditions and guidelines set forth in this document.
  • The “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll” photography competition cannot be held responsible if, due to major constraint or by any reasons beyond its control, changes in exhibition dates and/or venue should occur, the Competition is modified, and/or the exhibition is cancelled.
  • The “Streets’ Mobility Rock ‘n’ Roll“ photography competition assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by the equipment or programming associated with or used in the competition.
  • The competition registration has the legal value of a signature, and the photographs' owner recognizes that s/he has acknowledged the conditions and regulations, and commits herself/himself to abide by them.

Collaborating Universities and Institutions


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